The meaning of the word metaphor according to the Oxford Dictionary Thesaurus is:

1. A figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable (e.g. food for thought). 2. A thing symbolic of something else.

 The word 'metaphor' is the point of departure or angle of entry and possibly the main heading/title for the body of work 'four personalities' OR ' sanguine-melancholic-choleric-phlegmatic'.

 The use of metaphors is multi layered and describes various aspects of the multiple/different personalities. The symbolic use of the circle describes the four main personalities of the human being: sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.  

 Every individuals personality consists of a little of each or one personality type might be dominant in a person. The intention is to "illustrate" and create an awareness of the theme/concept by using the circle as metaphor. Once we are aware of the differences between the personalities it is easier to understand a person or people and enable one to have less complicated and meaningful relationships. By "quartering", dividing, breaking up or dissecting the use of the circle in sometimes four equal or unequal slices I attempt to understand and portray what it is that makes a person an individual. Through the use of the circle a slice of life comes to mind and the continuous beginning and no end of a circle or shape.


WORK IN PROGRESS: by Natasja De Wet

After a bit of a sabbatical, if I can call it that, I am relieved and happy to be drawing and painting again! I am working with the concept of the four personalities at the moment and here are pictures of the first work in progress. Title and size unknown yet!


Excited about the ART OF OBJECTS by Artists exhibition! by Natasja De Wet


I am excited about the ART OF OBJECTS by Artists exhibition, opening next week Friday the 12th of September 2014. Join me from at 5.30 pm.

The Allderman POP UP Gallery and THE STUDIO Kalk Bay is hosting this exhibition featuring over 40 artists. 
Exhibition is open from 11 - 24 September 2014 @THE STUDIO Kalk Bay. 10am - 6pm
The Majestic Village, 122 Main Rd, Kalk Bay. 
RSVP:  or call 083 556

RUNNING TOWARDS YOURSELF 14Acrylic on canvas2013


Acrylic on canvas