Wonderful people attending the opening of my solo exhibition Melancholia: / by Natasja De Wet

My sincere gratitude to Associate Professor Virginia MacKenny, Dr. Jane Yeats, Ilse Schermers (Is Art Gallery), the staff of the Pathology Museum, my team of installers, friends and family for their ongoing support.


Dr. Jane Yeats, Associate Professor Virginia MacKenny, Natasja de Wet and Ilse Schermers (Is Art Gallery)

Lynette Siebert, Nina Holmes, Natasja de Wet, TJ de Wet and Inge Dawn Burman

Lynette Siebert, Nina Holmes, Natasja de Wet, TJ de Wet and Inge Dawn Burman

The audience|viewers listening to the opening talk by Associate Professor Virginia MacKenny and Dr. Jane Yeats

The audience|viewers listening to the opening talk by Associate Professor Virginia MacKenny and Dr. Jane Yeats

Michaela Clark and friend

Michaela Clark and friend